Introducing Barwon Silencio - the ultimate acoustic aluminium hinge door.
With the ever-increasing demand for a sleek, minimalist look in commercial spaces, our Barwon Silencio is the perfect solution. Inspired by recent design trends for slim framed doors, the Barwon Aluminium Door Suite has been developed with an overall thickness of 38mm, delivering a sleek finish.
The Silencio Barwon also boasts impressive acoustic properties, with RW ratings of RW35 for Slimline, RW37 for Narrow Stile, and RW35 for Wide Stile. This allows you to have both style and acoustic performance in one package.
At Criterion Industries, we pride ourselves on delivering the highest level of customer service, and our Barwon Silencio hinge door is no exception. Whether you’re looking for a modern, minimalist aesthetic or simply seeking to reduce noise in a commercial space, the Barwon is the perfect choice.
PLEASE NOTE: Installation instructions, as well as, CAD files are by REQUEST ONLY!
+ Slimline Stile - RW 35
+ Narrow Stile - RW37
+ Wide Stile - RW35
Slimline Stile Door
The Slimline Door Stile is a sleek 42mm.
Narrow Stile Door
The 72mm Narrow Door Stile allows for a Narrow Backset Mortice Lock.
Wide Stile Door
The 112mm Wide Door Stile allows for a 60mm Backset Mortice Lock.
Incorporating a lock box into the Slimline Stile Door allows for a 89mm Backset Mortice Lock to be installed.
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