Virtual Showroom - Criterion Industries

Virtual Showroom - Silencio Range


Silencio is Criterion Industries' high acoustic family of products comprising of hinged and sliding door systems. Immerse yourself in our state-of-the-art virtual showroom, designed to showcase the acoustic excellence of the Silencio Range. 

 How It Works

  • Navigation: To move around the showroom, click on the buttons placed on the floor. These will guide you to different areas, including rooms where our acoustic solutions are featured.
  • Interactive Icons: As you explore, look out for icons on doors and walls. These will provide you with additional product information, play videos, and link directly to product pages for further details.
  • Audio: Notice that music plays outside the rooms, but as you step inside, you'll experience a real-time simulation of how our products reduce noise. This audio simulation is based on CSIRO test reports and mimics sound dampening at specific frequency ranges and decibel reductions as per the reports. To truly appreciate the detailed acoustic experience, we recommend using headphones.


Start exploring and discover how the Silencio Range can enhance your next project!



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