Silencio Rw35 timber door | Criterion Industries

Silencio AT35-S/D Acoustic timber door

Criterion Industries is now offering an acoustic timber door as part of the expanding Silencio range! With a remarkable rating of RW 35 and a slender 45mm thickness, this door offers exceptional sound insulation capabilities. 

What sets the Silencio Acoustic Timber Door apart is its innovative design, featuring an aluminium jamb instead of a traditional pressed metal frame. This allows Criterion to provide swift lead times, ensuring prompt delivery. The Silencio Timber door is also incredibly user-friendly, ensuring effortless on-site assembly and installation. 

Acoustically tested in nationally recognised laboratories, Criterion industries new range of acoustic timber doors can be ordered in both single and double door configuration.



Key Benefits: 

+ 44mm thickness 

+ Minimum of RW 35 

+ Features an aluminium jamb vs. a traditional pressed metal frame 

+ Superior lead times due to the use of aluminium jambs 

+ Available in a range of veneers or laminates

+ Available in single and double doors

+ Large range of sizes (Up to 2700mm X 1200mm) 

+ Approximate weight: 20Kg/M2


Jamb Options:


+ Pressed Metal Frame

+ KD Hardwood


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